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Are You Using Your Heater as Efficiently as Possible?

Young smiling woman sitting on sofa and looking up while drinking hot tea. Young brunette woman thinking at home in a leisure time. Happy girl relaxing at home on a bright winter morning.With plenty of winter weather still ahead of us, we’re still going to be getting plenty of use out of our Lawrenceville, GA heating systems. And understandably, you’d like to do everything in your power to save money on your energy bills, including making sure that you’re using your heater as efficiently as you can.

Even if you had your heater maintained before the winter season began, there are still steps you can take to utilize the system more efficiently, while keeping your home comfortable and lowering your heating bills.

Every Heater Has Its Limits

It’s important to remember that no matter what type of heating system you have in your home, it has its limits on just how efficiently it can run. Even heaters with the highest efficiency rating have a stopping point. But there are absolutely ways in which to get the most out of your heater, and potentially improve its efficiency beyond what you’d be getting otherwise. Keep reading to learn more!

Do You Need a Heater Upgrade?

We want to get this out of the way, first. Though it will depend on the model of heater you have and how well it’s been taken care of over the years, the typical heating system can last 10-15 years.

After this point, there’s a good chance that it’s aged to the point that it just can’t heat your home with the same effectiveness and efficiency as it did right when you had it installed. Even if an upgrade is out of your budget right now though, there are still steps you can take to scale back on your heating bills…

Consider Your Thermostat Use

Are you still utilizing a basic manual thermostat to control your heating system? Even a switch to the most basic digital model can be advantageous for your household, as it will help you set the temperatures more accurately.

You may find it even more beneficial to opt for the programmable thermostat, which allows you to cater your heating system’s performance to your schedule. Be sure that you work with a professional technician to ensure your thermostat is correctly installed.

Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

That’s right, your ceiling fans can be beneficial in the winter—not just in the summer. Many homeowners already know that ceiling fans are great for supplementing air conditioners in hotter weather, as they circulate air more evenly so you can turn the thermostat up.

Well, it does the same for your heating system when you reverse the direction of the blades. When heating your home, your ceiling fans should be turning in a clockwise direction to help distribute the warmth and help your heater to behave more efficiently, ultimately saving you money.

Seal Air Leaks

We’re talking about cracks beneath doors and around windows (weather stripping and caulking can be bought at any hardware store) but also any cracks or breaches in your ductwork. You may be surprised by just how much conditioned air you could be losing from your ducts, which is still conditioned air that you’re paying for. If you believe you need duct repair or replacement, be sure to give our team a call.

For reliable heating services, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

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