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Try This Handy AC Troubleshooting Checklist


Oh, no! Your air conditioner stopped working! You must be in serious need of AC repair. Or are you? Could it be that you’ve got a problem you can resolve yourself, without any training or expertise?

True AC problems must be repaired by someone qualified, for many reasons, including safety and making sure you don’t void your warranty. But sometimes, it only seems like there’s an AC problem. How can you tell the difference? Before you call for air conditioner repair, go through this handy AC troubleshooting checklist. Your problem could be resolved in mere minutes.

Your First Stop: The Electrical Panel

If the AC is simply off, and won’t turn on, it could be that it doesn’t have power. Check your electrical panel. Are any of the circuit breakers tripped? This can happen if something else was plugged into the same circuit that powers your air conditioner, and between the two appliances, they called for too much electricity at once.

Just flip that switch back into position and start up your air conditioner. Maybe, as long as you use a different outlet for your vacuum or whatever it was, you won’t have to worry about this again. If the circuit breaker keeps getting tripped, though, it’s a sign of a problem. The electrical components of your air conditioner need a thorough check-up by a qualified technician.

Your Second Stop: The Thermostat

It’s more common than you might realize. A panicked and overheating homeowner gets a technician to come perform AC repair, only to discover that the air conditioner is fine. The thermostat has just been put on the wrong setting. This could be an “away” programming that saves energy when you don’t need your home cooled, or just the switch being bumped from “cool” to “off” or “heat.”

Take a couple of minutes to check out your thermostat. As little as a bump from an elbow can sometimes reprogram it, and you might be able to get things back in order straightaway. If it’s not clear whether signals are getting through at all, some thermostats have batteries that can be changed. It’s worth a try!

Your Third Stop: Your Air Filter

If the AC is trying to come on, but shutting down right away, it could be an issue with airflow. A blocked air filter, clogged with too much dust and pet hair, can cause this to happen. Without enough air flowing through, the motor gets too hot. This causes the limit switch to trip, automatically shutting down the system for safety.

In general, the air filter should be changed (cleaned if it’s reusable, swapped out if it’s disposable) every month during the heat of the summer. It can be done less frequently if you’re using your AC less, during spring and fall. But you should check it more often if you have multiple furry pets, or just one who’s shedding very heavily, or some other cause of dust like nearby road construction.

Your Fourth Stop: A Qualified Professional

If you haven’t been able to resolve your problem, it’s time for AC repair in Alpharetta, GA. An HVAC technician can pinpoint the problem and get your air conditioner back up and running.

Reach out to Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. with any inquiries or to make an appointment.

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