Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Snellville’

Leaky Ducts Affect Your Air Quality!

Monday, February 17th, 2025

Gaps, cracks, holes, and tears: ductwork is usually riddled with them. In fact, estimates suggest that in the average American home with a ducted HVAC system, 30% of the air that the homeowners pay to heat or cool is lost through duct leaks. That’s a lot of energy—and money—being wasted! But that’s not the only problem. Your air quality is at stake as well.

Those gaps, cracks, holes, and tears don’t just let your expensive heated and cooled air out. They also let things in! Leaky ducts can allow all sorts of particles to contaminate your air. You deserve better air quality. Here’s what you can do about it.

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Prepare Your Home for Air Conditioning Installation

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Having your old air conditioner replaced is quite the process. First, you have to determine that it’s not worth repairing any longer. Then, you have to decide what sort of system to replace it with and select the specific model. Finally, you must make an appointment to have that system professionally installed.

Done all that? Great! But you’re not finished yet.

The appointment itself can be a bit of a mystery to homeowners who haven’t been through it before, or to folks whose last experience with AC installation was twelve or more years ago. What should you expect? How long will it take? And what can you do to prepare your home for your air conditioning installation? We’ll tell you everything.

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Important Gas Furnace Safety Tips

Monday, November 13th, 2023

How’s your gas furnace doing? Will it keep you cozy this winter? More importantly, will it keep you safe? We’ve got some tips about your gas furnace. Follow this checklist to help ensure that you and your family stay safe and warm this winter. 

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Don’t Forget to Have Your AC Maintained (If You Haven’t Already)

Monday, July 24th, 2023

It’s easy for things to get away from us as the seasons rush by. Before you know it, summer is half gone and you haven’t gotten AC maintenance done! Should you put it off until next year? Definitely not! There are many reasons to have maintenance done on your air conditioner every single year, even if you didn’t get it done before summer really started. 

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These AC Noises Mean Trouble

Monday, May 15th, 2023

What in the world is that noise? Is that your air conditioner? You know it shouldn’t be making that sound, right? Well, never fear. We’re here to help. Your air conditioner doesn’t have many options for letting you know that something is wrong, but it certainly can make noise. If you’re hearing something funny or unexpected from your AC unit, check this handy list to find out why it might be doing that. 

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Tips for Boosting Heating Efficiency

Monday, November 15th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerIf there is anything that Snellville residents have in common, it’s their need for fully efficient air conditioning. So to talk about heating services may seem a little out of place for us. Still though, there’s no denying that when it does dip into chillier temperatures, we need efficient heaters too. Sure, you can buy a high-efficiency furnace or heat pump, but you’re still at the mercy of everyday efficiency drains. What are those? Well, things like a lack of insulation, drafty windows and doors, and lack of proper maintenance.

If there’s anything else Snellville residents have in common, it’s their desire to save money. Read on as we explore what can impact heating efficiency how you can do just that.

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Should a New Furnace Be Your Next Home Comfort Purchase?

Monday, October 4th, 2021

The short answer to this question? It’s complicated. We know that’s not what you want to hear but it’s the truth. And as a local team of HVAC experts that’s dedicated to serving our community, we believe you deserve the truth, not an easy answer that will sell more systems. The bottom line is that a furnace is a great option for many homes, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

There are different types of furnaces. Some homes might do better with a gas furnace since they have access to a natural gas line. Other homes might fair better with an electric furnace, or even a heat pump system. We’re going to use this blog post to break down the different types of heating systems when it comes to your home comfort requirements and budget.

Let’s try to figure out which system is right for your home.

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What Are the Steps of Professional AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitIf you’ve followed our blog posts for a while now, then you might see that we mention maintenance a lot. There’s a reason for this—it’s an important service! Homeowners often think this is a “luxury” service that only people who can really afford something extra buy. But actually, maintenance is a necessity, and can save you money in the long run.

First, professional maintenance allows our technicians to locate small problems with your air conditioner before they grow into much bigger emergency repair needs. This helps your air conditioner perform better and last longer. This is great news for your budget, right? But still, you might be wondering what actually happens during maintenance? Should it really only ever be done by professionals? Read on to find out.

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Are UV Germicidal Lights Worth It?

Monday, June 29th, 2020

uv-lightbulbHomeowners are even more concerned these days about the quality of the air they breathe, and for good reason. But while we are wearing masks and socially distancing in public spaces, are you do everything you can to address the quality of the air inside your own home?

Without the right indoor air quality products and services in place, you could be doing yourself a disservice—in fact in many cases the quality of your indoor air is actually worse than that of outdoors. One indoor air quality product in particular that can help combat this is the UV air purifier, also referred to as UV germicidal lights. Are they worth it for your home?

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Can a New Air Conditioner Be Too Big?

Monday, May 18th, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitYou likely already understand that there isn’t much point in getting an air conditioner that’s too small,—that is, underpowered—for your home. But did you know that, yes, an air conditioner could actually be too big—or overpowered?

With summer right around the corner, you want to ensure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the heat. For some people, that means scheduling another maintenance appointment for this year. But for other folks, it means investing in a complete air conditioner replacement.

Of course, you may be tempted to buy the biggest, most powerful cooling system you can afford for your needs. But we’re here to tell you that this isn’t necessarily a good idea. When it comes to your air conditioning system, size really does matter, and we’re going to explain why below! Read on to learn more, and when the time comes for you to purchase your new air conditioner, reach out to our team of professionals.

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