Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Loganville’

7 Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should NOT Make

Monday, June 10th, 2024

We often use sight-related phrases in English. “See you later!” “Watch out!” But not everything is actually visual. If we say, “Here are some air conditioner problems to watch for,” or “Look out for these signs that your AC needs repair,” we wouldn’t be pointing you in the right direction. In fact, the first sign of an air conditioner problem is usually a noise. Here are some sounds you don’t want to hear your AC making.

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Why Is the Heater Unevenly Heating My Home?

Monday, November 27th, 2023

It’s important to be able to be warm, no matter where in your home you are. One of the most annoying heating problems is having parts of your home be an ideal temperature while others never quite get warm enough. Clearly, the heater is running … so why won’t those spaces warm up?

As the weather gets chillier, you deserve to be comfortable and cozy throughout your home. There are a variety of reasons why your heating system might not be distributing heat evenly. Here are the most likely possibilities.

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What to Do If Your Furnace Won’t Come On

Monday, September 18th, 2023

It’s almost that time of year again: autumn, when the weather turns crisp, and you start to think you might need your furnace soon. But are you prepared for the cold weather? Is your furnace prepared? If the cold hits and you need to crank up the heat, will the furnace come on? What will you do if it doesn’t?

We’ve got you covered. Just follow this checklist. 

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AC vs. Heat Pump: Which Is Better for Your Home?

Monday, March 20th, 2023

Is it time to replace your air conditioner? Maybe it failed completely at the end of last summer, or maybe you know it’s on its last legs. But since you’re looking into your replacement options, you’ve probably started to wonder whether a traditional air conditioner or a heat pump is a better choice.

Before you consult a professional for help sorting through the possibilities, you may want some more information. Here are some reasons you might want a heat pump instead of an air conditioner, and some reasons why you might decide against it.

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What Happens During Professional Heating Maintenance?

Monday, January 10th, 2022

animated-checklistLiving in Georgia, we’re known a lot more for our hot and humid summers than we are for our chilly winters, but that doesn’t mean the colder months don’t pack quite the punch! That said, it stands to reason that you really want your heater to work as effectively and efficiently as possible while keeping your family comfortable. This means that you’ll want to schedule routine professional heating maintenance each year. We typically recommend this service in the fall, before the cooler temps arise, but this is definitely a case of “better late than never,” even if you’re reading it right smack in the middle of winter.

There are some very basic heating maintenance tasks you can do on your own, and that you should do on your own. This includes replacing the furnace or heat pump air filter every 1-3 months, in addition to ensuring that the space around your heater’s outdoor unit is clean and clear of debris and clutter.

This is just the beginning, though. A much more thorough maintenance session is required if you expect your heating system to continue to operate as powerfully and efficiently as it is meant to. Read on to learn more!

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How to Tell if Your Heater Needs Repair

Monday, November 1st, 2021

vent-low-on-wallIt’s the time of year where you’re starting to use your heating system more and more. This should be causing an increase in your comfort, but what if all you discover is that you’re not as comfortable as you think you should be? Let’s say you’re running your heater a reasonable amount of time, but it doesn’t seem to be improving your home’s temperature? This definitely means that something is amiss.

If this sounds familiar to you, you’re right to be concerned. There’s a good chance that something is wrong, internally, with your heater. When problems like this crop up, it means it’s time to give our professional a call. Our trained technicians can accurately identify the source of your heating system problem, and address it in a timely manner. Read on to learn what you should be on the lookout for.

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Are You Using Your Air Conditioner Efficiently?

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitMaybe you think something like this is out of your control. HVAC systems account for half of all energy use in a home, so how could you possibly use yours efficiently? Is this an oxymoron?

No, not at all! The truth is, many homeowners in our area are not using their air conditioners as efficiently as they could be, and as a result, they’re paying a lot more than they should have to on their utility bills.

Now, one of the ways to boost efficiency is going to cost a little money–but it’s less costly than having surprise breakdowns or inefficient system operation. And that’s maintenance. Every year, you should have air conditioner maintenance professionally done. It allows us to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it to help boost system efficiency.

But there are other steps that don’t cost you anything at all or at least only cost you pennies, to implement. Read on as we uncover what they are!

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Why the Size of Your New Air Conditioner Matters

Monday, May 17th, 2021

smiling-technician-working-on-ac-unitSummer is almost here! If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to ensure that your air conditioning system is fully ready to handle the higher temperatures. Of course, for some homeowners this might mean that it’s time to invest in a new air conditioning system altogether. If this is the case for you, then you’ll want to make sure that your new cooling system is the right fit for your home.

We get it, your first instinct is probably to buy the biggest, most powerful air conditioning system you can find on the market, especially if you have spent previous summers sweating bullets because your air conditioner just wasn’t working as it should. However, we really encourage you to carefully consider your air conditioner purchase. Bigger isn’t always better! Size and power do matter of course, but perhaps not in the way you’d think.

Keep reading as we dive into what different sizing means for your air conditioner, and why you don’t want an underpowered or overpowered air conditioner in your home.

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Are You Using Your AC as Efficiently as Possible?

Monday, June 15th, 2020

two-technicians-working-on-air-conditionerThe official start of summer is less than a week away, although if you’re like many homeowners in the area you are likely already using your air conditioner on a consistent basis. After all, air conditioning isn’t only necessary to make our homes comfortable, but to even make them bearable. If your air conditioner isn’t working the way you expect it to, it may be time to call for repairs, and/or schedule maintenance if you haven’t done so yet.

But what if there’s nothing wrong with your air conditioner—you just wish it would work more efficiently? The good news is, there are a number of actions you can take to use your air conditioner as efficiently as possible. Read on to see what they are!

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