Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lawrenceville’

Do All HVAC Systems Need Maintenance?

Monday, February 3rd, 2025

There are many ways to control the temperature and air quality in a home. A homeowner might have any combination of a furnace, heat pump, air conditioner, ducted or ductless systems, humidifier, dehumidifier, air purifier, and more. It’s good that there are so many options, because different comfort solutions will work better for different home layouts and different household needs. 

However, all these different systems can be a little bit confusing. They have different components. They’re used in different ways. What needs do they have? Do all HVAC systems need maintenance? What type of maintenance, and when? Who should be doing the maintenance? Let’s take a closer look.

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Short Cycling: Does Your Heating System Need Repair?

Monday, January 6th, 2025

No matter how cold it gets, your heater will not run continuously. Instead, it operates in cycles, turning on for a stretch of time until your home is warm, and then shutting off to rest while the temperature coasts slowly downward, until it gets cool enough for the heat to come on again. These cycles should last somewhere between ten and twenty minutes.

What if your heating system is cycling on and off very quickly? When your heat comes on, shuts off in a minute or two, and tries to come on again moments later, that’s called short cycling. Don’t let it continue! Here’s why.

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Check Your Ducts Before Winter!

Monday, October 28th, 2024

The weather might be just perfect right now—there’s nothing quite like autumn in Georgia—but there’s something you need to remember. It won’t be long before winter arrives, with low temperatures and chill breezes! You’ll want to cozy up indoors. But the more time you spend inside, the more likely you are to be affected by your poor indoor air quality. 

During the winter, you’ll be breathing whatever comes out of your vents as your heating system runs to keep you warm enough. The air will cycle back through, flow through your ducts, and come out your vents again. What can you do to have fewer contaminants in your indoor air this winter? It’s time to think about those ducts, and whether they need any repair.

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Save Money on Heating and Cooling with Zone Control

Monday, March 18th, 2024

The percentage of the average American’s income that goes to heating and cooling their homes varies depending on the part of the country where they live. In our area, we spend more months having to cool our homes and fewer having to heat them. But overall, heating and cooling costs are the largest portion of energy use in American homes. 

How can we cut the cost of heating and cooling without sacrificing our comfort? Is it even possible? Yes! In fact, you can use less energy—and spend less money—on heating and cooling while making your home more comfortable. A zone control system is the answer.

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How IAQ Installations Can Help With Allergy Season

Monday, March 4th, 2024

As winter comes to a close, many people are looking forward to springtime with excitement and delight. But for allergy sufferers, springtime means more than just warmer weather and pretty flowers blooming. It means itchy eyes, sneezing, and runny noses. It’s just not fair! You should be able to get excited about springtime just like everybody else. What can you do?

One major solution is to keep the air in your home as clear and free of pollen as possible. That way, you’ll breathe easier at home, sleep better at night, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. We’ve got some great air cleaner options that can improve your IAQ—that’s indoor air quality—and improve your well-being during allergy season.

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What Those High Heating Bills Might Mean

Monday, December 11th, 2023

How high is your heating bill? Most people will always say that it’s too high. In fact, according to the US Energy Information Administration, the average American spends $2,284 a year between gas and electric bills, and a significant percentage of that goes to heating. But the cost of energy aside, is your heating bill actually higher than it should be? Is your heating system wasting energy?

Because of its high financial cost and also the environmental impact, it’s important to prevent energy waste. If there’s an issue with your heating system that is causing it to consume more fuel or electricity, you need heating repair in Lawrenceville, GA before that problem gets any worse. So what might the problem be?

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Summer Is Done—Is Your AC Done as Well?

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Ahhh, the relief of the cooling autumn air. It’s even more of a relief if your air conditioner didn’t cope with this summer’s heat quite as well as it used to. Autumn is the perfect time to evaluate how well your AC performed and consider what you need to do to ensure that you’ll have a cool and comfortable home next summer.

Should you try to keep your air conditioner running for another year? Or is it time to get a new one? We’ve got some tips to help you make that decision.

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The One AC Misconception You Don’t Want to Believe

Monday, July 25th, 2022

If you’re like many homeowners, you might not actually understand what the refrigerant inside your air conditioner does. You’ve probably heard of it, and you know it’s important. Maybe you’ve been told it’s like a fuel…

Well, it is important. It’s essential to the cooling process. Your air conditioner cannot do its job without it. But the misconception is that refrigerant is a fuel; that it depletes like gasoline does from a vehicle. But your cooling system is actually supplied with enough refrigerant to last through its whole lifespan upon manufacturing. So if your system loses refrigerant, it means that it has a leak.

Read on as we uncover why it’s a problem if you believe the former—the misconception that refrigerant is a fuel.

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Why You Don’t Want Your Air Conditioner to be the Wrong Size

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Summer is here in Georgia! The warmer weather means more homeowners in Monroe are thinking about adding air conditioning units to their homes.

From model to AC type, there are so many things to consider when choosing a new air conditioning system. However, one of the things people tend to forget? Air conditioner size.

Having a correctly-sized air conditioner can be the difference between a summer of cool bliss or a sweltering headache. Here are 4 reasons why you don’t want to choose the wrong size for your air conditioning installation in Monroe, GA.

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What Actually Happens During a Professional AC Tune-Up?

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

If you’ve followed our blog at all, then you know we talk about maintenance a lot. This is because it’s a very important service! It allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it, within your air conditioner. This allows the system to work as efficiently as possible, for as long as possible.

In fact, and air conditioner that’s properly maintained each year (or biannually, in the case of a heat pump system) can be expected to have a useful service life of 10-15 years, while a system that goes without maintenance may last half of that.

But what actually happens during maintenance? We want you to trust that this is best for your system, so read on as we uncover some of the steps we take to highlight the importance of routine tune-ups. Also, ask about our Worry-Free Advantage Program! This is a monthly membership we provide that includes a number of benefits, including thorough maintenance.

Read on to learn more about what a maintenance tune-up entails, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have about our program or any services we offer.

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