Your HVAC system has likely been working hard throughout the winter to keep your home warm. As the seasons change, your air conditioner needs proper care to function efficiently when you need it most. Spring is the perfect time to schedule professional AC maintenance because it allows HVAC technicians to inspect, clean, and optimize your system before the peak summer heat arrives.
Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Dacula’
The Most Important HVAC Service Is…
Monday, March 17th, 20253 Ways an Air Purifier Helps Your Home
Monday, May 1st, 2023How’s the air quality inside your home? Are you concerned about how much time you spend indoors, which, for the average American, is estimated by the EPA to be more than 90% of your time? Have you heard the alarming fact that indoor air has much higher concentrations of contaminants than outdoor air? Do you want to know what you can do about it?
There are a few different systems that can dramatically improve indoor air quality. What exactly are the ways that your home will benefit? And what are the different options for getting your indoor air cleaner? Here’s the rundown.
Signs That It’s Time to Go Ductless!
Monday, September 6th, 2021As we come to the official end of summer, it can be really easy to dismiss your cooling system needs. While it stays warmer longer in our part of the country than in others, it’s still only natural to look forward to when you can start using your air conditioner less and less. But what if you need AC repair in Dacula, GA? Or what if AC repair isn’t going to cut it and it’s actually time to replace the system altogether?
A trained and experienced HVAC professional, such as a member of our team, can help you make an educated decision about this. But if you are considering replacing your air conditioner this year, and/or your heater, then you’ve come across the right blog post. It may very well be time for you to think about going ductless. There are many reasons to do so. Read on to learn what they are!
Could a Faulty Thermostat be Bad for Your Furnace?
Monday, December 16th, 2019We are pretty fortunate in our area that we don’t have to deal with the severely cold temperatures that homeowners contend with throughout other parts of the country. As a result, you don’t have to worry about your heating system too much, right? However, even if our heater usage is relatively brief, don’t you want to do everything possible to save energy, and subsequently, money?
A faulty thermostat, or even how you use your thermostat, can play a big role in this—not only as winter approaches and we start using our heaters but also during the cooling season. We’re here for you when you do need expert service and advice, but in the meantime we’d like to help you understand a bit more the relationship between your thermostat and HVAC system, so you know when to call our team for help.
Furnace Noises You Should Never Ignore
Monday, December 2nd, 2019Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could create an HVAC system that was completely noiseless? Trust us, if they invented this we’d be first in line to install them! But the fact of the matter is, you’re going to hear your furnace making noises. You’ll hear the ductwork fluctuating as temperatures change, and you’ll hear your furnace cycling on and shutting off, plus the whoosh of air coming through your vents.
Of course, there are some noises you don’t want to hear. Truthfully, anything outside of what you normally hear day-to-day should be cause for alarm. There are 4 noises, in particular, you should never ignore, which we’ve listed below.
Heed These Common End-of-Season AC Needs
Monday, September 9th, 2019The official end of summer is near, and while you may be ready to welcome cooler temperatures outside soon as well as the chance to stop using your air conditioner as often, this is no time to forget about your air conditioner, or its repair needs.
Hopefully, you had maintenance done at the beginning of the season and didn’t experience any major cooling system catastrophes over the summer. If you didn’t schedule maintenance this year, not to worry, it’s not too late! It’s only too late if you have an aging system that’s completely broken down and has no hope for repairs.
That said, whether you had professional maintenance done or not, there are some needs that can crop up at the end of the season that require your attention. They include the following: