Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Why Is My AC Turning On and Off So Often?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Air conditioners often indicate that they’re struggling by the sounds that they make. During normal operation, an air conditioner’s compressor will kick on with a hum, and the fan will whir. If you’re hearing bangs, clattering, whistling, buzzing, grinding, or other surprising sounds, you’ll know right away that you need AC repair

But there’s something else you should be listening for. It’s not just weird sounds that can mean there’s a problem. It’s when the routine sounds are happening too frequently. If you hear your air conditioner coming on and turning off again every few minutes, something is wrong. Why are these short AC cycles happening? We’ll tell you.

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Late Summer Problems You May Have With Your AC

Monday, August 21st, 2023

It’s been a long, hot summer since your air conditioning in Alpharetta, GA got a break! Even if you got maintenance before the start of the season, there’s been a lot of wear and tear going on for the last few months. There are certain issues your air conditioner is more likely to encounter in late summer. Here’s what to keep an eye out for.

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Debunking Several Air Conditioning Myths

Monday, July 10th, 2023

The average homeowner is not an air conditioning expert, and there’s no reason why everyone should have to be. But if the “facts” you believe about air conditioning are things you learned from other homeowners and not from the experts, they may actually just be myths. Here are some things people mistakenly believe about their AC units, and the truths you should know instead.

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6 Noises Your AC Should Never Make

Monday, August 24th, 2020

woman-listening-closely-holding-hand-to-earWouldn’t it be great if our air conditioners could send us a little warning when something is amiss? Like, we could get a text message to our smartphones telling us when a motor bearing needs lubrication or replacing, or when we have a refrigerant leak?

To be honest, this technology probably isn’t too far off in the future. But for now, we have to rely on other means to know when our air conditioners are suffering. Of course, you can limit the risk of sudden air conditioner problems by staying on top of your AC maintenance each year. But it’s also a good idea to know the signs of AC trouble to begin with. One of the most common signs of AC problems is loud and unfamiliar noises.

What noises are we referring to, exactly? Read on as we uncover what they are.

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AC Installation: Bigger Is Not Always Better!

Monday, April 9th, 2018

ac system sitting on top of moneyHave you discovered that your AC is suffering, or ill-prepared to handle another long and hot summer? If it’s aged to the point that it no longer can work effectively and efficiently, even with a maintenance session, then you may be ready for a replacement. And with temperatures warming up already, the time is now to have a new air conditioner installed.

But we discourage you from just rushing out and buying the first Lawrenceville, GA air conditioning system you find, especially if your goal is to get the biggest one that matches your budget. There’s a pretty common misconception that “bigger means better,” and unfortunately this is just not the case. In order to work as effectively and efficiently as it’s meant to, your air conditioner must be properly sized for your specific home and needs.

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FAQ: Can a Clogged Air Filter Hurt Your Cooling System?

Monday, March 26th, 2018

air filter being changed in hvac systemA clogged air filter certainly isn’t going to help your cooling system. And this is a question we get pretty often—since many people assume that the only purpose of an air filter is to improve your indoor air quality, they wonder if a clogged air filter really does have an impact on the performance of their cooling system.

The air filter of your Lawrenceville, GA air conditioning system is actually there to protect the inside components of that system, by blocking particles from damaging these components by pummeling them or jamming the fan. But when your air filter is too dirty, it can create problems.

So first, we want to recommend that you change your air filter every 1-3 months, according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. Secondly, we want to share some tidbits below to help you understand the effect a dirty air filter has on your air conditioner.

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AC Care: Should You Be Concerned about “Dirty Sock Syndrome?”

Monday, February 26th, 2018

Girl pinching her nose against a white backgroundTemperatures are still cool enough that you likely haven’t turned on your air conditioner quite yet. But as we’re all very well aware, when spring and summer hit, they hit hard—bringing with them soaring temps and high humidity. As a result, you want a fully effective and efficient whole-home Lawrenceville, GA air conditioning system to keep your household comfortable and healthy.

If you haven’t scheduled air conditioning maintenance yet, that’s okay! Right now is actually the perfect time to do so, before you need to use your cooling system on a daily basis. There’s one issue in particular that we check for during your tune-up and that you should be aware of too, before starting up your AC for the first time. This is water line backups, which can result in mold development and foul smells from your system’s supply vent. This is known as dirty sock syndrome.

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