Wall Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

How Often Do Air Conditioners Require Repair?

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

It might not seem like it yet, but summer is on its way. Are you ready for it? How’s your air conditioner doing? A lot of people wonder about air conditioner repair. Does my AC unit need to be fixed? How often should an air conditioner need repairs? Is it time to think about replacement instead? We’ve got the answers!

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Try This Handy AC Troubleshooting Checklist

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Oh, no! Your air conditioner stopped working! You must be in serious need of AC repair. Or are you? Could it be that you’ve got a problem you can resolve yourself, without any training or expertise?

True AC problems must be repaired by someone qualified, for many reasons, including safety and making sure you don’t void your warranty. But sometimes, it only seems like there’s an AC problem. How can you tell the difference? Before you call for air conditioner repair, go through this handy AC troubleshooting checklist. Your problem could be resolved in mere minutes.

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7 Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should NOT Make

Monday, June 10th, 2024

We often use sight-related phrases in English. “See you later!” “Watch out!” But not everything is actually visual. If we say, “Here are some air conditioner problems to watch for,” or “Look out for these signs that your AC needs repair,” we wouldn’t be pointing you in the right direction. In fact, the first sign of an air conditioner problem is usually a noise. Here are some sounds you don’t want to hear your AC making.

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Summer Is Done—Is Your AC Done as Well?

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Ahhh, the relief of the cooling autumn air. It’s even more of a relief if your air conditioner didn’t cope with this summer’s heat quite as well as it used to. Autumn is the perfect time to evaluate how well your AC performed and consider what you need to do to ensure that you’ll have a cool and comfortable home next summer.

Should you try to keep your air conditioner running for another year? Or is it time to get a new one? We’ve got some tips to help you make that decision.

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These AC Noises Mean Trouble

Monday, May 15th, 2023

What in the world is that noise? Is that your air conditioner? You know it shouldn’t be making that sound, right? Well, never fear. We’re here to help. Your air conditioner doesn’t have many options for letting you know that something is wrong, but it certainly can make noise. If you’re hearing something funny or unexpected from your AC unit, check this handy list to find out why it might be doing that. 

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These Sounds Indicate You Need AC Repair

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Air conditioners make noise. They’re full of moving parts. Motors run, fans turn, and cool breezes whoosh out into your home. Ideally, though, they shouldn’t be terribly loud, and the sounds they make should be consistent. But what if your AC unit makes more noise than it used to? What if it suddenly makes a new noise? Here are some of the sounds that you should keep an ear out for to help you gauge whether you might be in the market for AC repair in Buford, GA.

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Signs That Your AC System Is Struggling

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Here in Georgia, it makes sense that you want to enjoy the summer season with the help of an efficient and effective air conditioning system. On those frequent days where the heat is at its peak, your cooling system should be capable of keeping your living space as nice and cool as you need it to be. To ensure this is the case, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep your air conditioner in great shape.

This means staying on top of your annual maintenance sessions, first and foremost. It also means that if your air conditioner has any repair needs, you take care of them in a timely fashion. But how do you know if your air conditioner needs repairs?

Often, we’ll tell you during maintenance. However, it is always possible that your cooling system could need repairs in between maintenance tune-ups. Here are some signs that this is the case for your system.

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Should You Get a Heat Pump Installed As Your Next Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 13th, 2022

Have you been considering a new air conditioner? Chances are if so, that you’re in a bit of a rush to get one before temperatures climb to their highest this summer. But we really want to encourage you to take your time and explore all your options. There are plenty of different types of cooling systems on the market today, each with its own set of benefits and even its own set of drawbacks, depending on your property and the climate you live in.

Fortunately, we know of at least one option that’s become increasingly popular in the Suwanee area and beyond, and for good reason. That’s the heat pump system! Read on to learn more about this HVAC system.

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Don’t Ignore These Sounds Coming From Your AC

Monday, May 16th, 2022

We’re sure most homeowners can’t really say they’re looking forward to summer temperatures, but what we can all collectively agree on is that we need powerful and efficient air conditioners to get us through the coming warm weather. If your air conditioner isn’t operating quite like it should, now is the time to address it.

This means that if your air conditioner is running, but has some troubling systems–such as strange and unfamiliar noises coming from the system–then it’s time to give us a call.

We’re talking about any noises that are outside of the normal operational sounds you hear it make from day to day. This can include shrieking or screeching, a grinding sound, and even hissing. Read on to learn what these noises might mean, and if any of these describe the sounds you’re listening to, give us a call right away.

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Signs That It’s Time to Go Ductless!

Monday, September 6th, 2021

woman-sitting-on-couch-turning-on-ductless-air-handler-with-remoteAs we come to the official end of summer, it can be really easy to dismiss your cooling system needs. While it stays warmer longer in our part of the country than in others, it’s still only natural to look forward to when you can start using your air conditioner less and less. But what if you need AC repair in Dacula, GAOr what if AC repair isn’t going to cut it and it’s actually time to replace the system altogether?

A trained and experienced HVAC professional, such as a member of our team, can help you make an educated decision about this. But if you are considering replacing your air conditioner this year, and/or your heater, then you’ve come across the right blog post. It may very well be time for you to think about going ductless. There are many reasons to do so. Read on to learn what they are!

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