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Strange AC Problems to Watch out For


At Wall Heating & Air, we see AC problems every day all summer long. Some of them are extremely common and come up all the time. These are probably things you’ve heard of or can imagine: the motor that powers the blower fan overheats, or a storm-blown tree limb damages a coil and refrigerant leaks out. 

But some AC problems are more unusual. It might never have occurred to you that these things could happen! Thanks to our long experience and extensive training, though, we’re ready for even the strangest AC problems. Here are some odd ones to be aware of.

A Sinking Outdoor Unit

You should be taking a peek at your outdoor unit regularly, just to make sure it’s clean and not covered with overgrown plants or lawn debris. When you do that, don’t forget to take a look at the concrete slab the unit sits on. Is it staying level? Is it still where it should be? You probably never thought about it, but that slab sits on the ground, and sometimes, the ground isn’t as stable as we’d like.

If water or erosion cause the slab to tilt or sink, major problems can occur. Connections, of both the refrigerant coils and the electrical power lines, can be broken. Oil can end up in places it shouldn’t. Get this addressed immediately! Generally, the slab can simply be shored up or reinforced. Occasionally, slab replacement is necessary.

A Peeling Air Handler

This one applies to ductless air handlers specifically. Due to the fact that each air handler has its own evaporator coils and its own drainage system, each one can encounter moisture problems separately. So while your other handlers might be fine, you could have one that’s got a drain clog or leak allowing water to get between the handler and the wall, causing it to peel away from where it was mounted.

Uninvited Guests

Many parts of the AC system can seem quite welcoming to little critters. Bugs or rodents can get into the ductwork or nest in the outdoor unit. Generally, a buzzing sound is caused by a mechanical or electrical issue. But it can also be caused by bees! It’s even possible for snakes to curl up around the outdoor unit because they enjoy the warmth. Making sure to get annual maintenance will help reduce your risk.

Pet Damage

Even when the critters were invited, they could cause problems! Pet fur can clog air filters, making it necessary to replace them more frequently. Teething puppies or chewing rabbits can bite right through electrical cords. And your dog may be marking its territory on your outdoor AC unit, causing corrosion! Take steps to keep pets away from AC components.

If you do encounter one of these problems, or any other issue, no matter how odd or ordinary, get prompt air conditioning repair in Buford, GA. We’re ready to help with anything your HVAC system needs.

Reach out to Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. with any inquiries or to make an appointment.

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