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Prompt AC Repair Saves the Day—And Saves You Money


As air conditioning season rolls around again, and you need to start running your AC unit, don’t forget to keep an eye and an ear out in case of any problems that might require repair. Often, when an air conditioner first encounters a problem, there will be small but noticeable symptoms. Strange sounds are often an early sign. But homeowners don’t always get repairs right away.

If you think a problem is small, you might not feel that it’s very urgent to have it repaired. But it’s all too easy for a small AC issue to quickly develop into a much bigger one that causes greater inconvenience and is more costly to repair. Let us illustrate for you just how much prompt AC repair can help save you from major hassles and help you to save money.

Common Minor AC Problems

Air conditioners have a lot of components, and many of them are moving parts which experience a lot of wear and tear. It’s very common for these components to get out of alignment, come loose, or simply wear out and need to be replaced. This could be a wobbling fan, a loose screw, a belt that’s stretching or slipping out of position, or bearings being ground down in the blower fan motor.

How Small Problems Get Bigger

If that wobbling fan or loose screw flies free inside your air conditioner, other components could be damaged. If that belt fails completely, your fan won’t turn, so the cool air your air conditioner creates won’t be distributed, and the motor may overheat. And if those bearings are allowed to keep grinding away, you might have to replace the whole motor instead of just the bearings. 

How Prompt Repair Saves You Money

It’s probably already clear that having your AC repair needs addressed promptly will prevent the inconvenience and hassle of having a bigger problem crop up suddenly, possibly shutting your air conditioner down completely. And if the repair is completed while the problem is still fairly small, it will be quicker to complete and involve fewer components, thus being a less costly repair.

But there are two other ways that having that repair handled right away will save you money! The first is energy usage. A struggling air conditioner will use more and more electricity to keep trying to get the job done, and it will drive up your utility bills. The second is life expectancy. A struggling air conditioner puts more strain on all the components, including the often irreplaceable compressor.

If your compressor fails, chances are, you’ll need a whole new air conditioner. The less strain you can put on the compressor throughout the lifetime of the system, the longer that lifetime will be. Prompt air conditioning repair in Suwanee, GA could be the difference between needing a new air conditioner this summer and having your system keep running for years longer.

Reach out to Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. to make an appointment.

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