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Potential Midsummer AC Repair Needs

An air conditioning technician welds a connection prior to installing AC unit.Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find an air conditioner that performs at 100% efficiency and effectiveness throughout its entire lifespan? We agree—that would be pretty sweet! Unfortunately, this is not the case. However, you can absolutely lower your chances of needing sudden emergency repairs, and maybe even the costliest of AC repairs, by scheduling routine maintenance. Maintenance is a service that should be performed at least once a year for standard AC systems and twice for heat pumps.

And when you do need air conditioning repair in Buford, our team is the one to reach out to. The sooner you manage the AC problem, the less likely it will be that your system will suffer from a serious, and sudden, problem later on. There’s no AC problem small enough to ignore… or delay.

Are You Having Thermostat Troubles?

We do have some good news! The problem you’re having with your air conditioner might not be a problem with the actual system at all, but rather how it’s performing in response to the thermostat. If your thermostat isn’t registering temperatures in your home correctly for some reason, then the cooling system can’t live up to the desired temperature you’ve set it for.

We’re happy to help! But, before reaching out to our team, go ahead and double-check your settings. It is possible that you have it in fan-only od on accident, or even that someone in your household set the temperature incorrectly. In the absence of either of these issues, though, check the manual that came with the thermostat for some simple troubleshooting tips, and give us a call if you still need help.

Leaky Air Ducts

Out of sight, out of mind—this is the attitude that many people have with their air ducts, but it’s not exactly the best attitude to have. Leaky ductwork can be pretty serious, causing a number of problems for your cooling performance, comfort, and your utility bills.

You’ll be cooling your living space far less efficiently and less effectively if you’re trying to do so with breached or damaged cutwork. This leaves you on the hook for higher utility bills, but lower comfort.

Refrigerant Leak

This is another important leak risk to be wary of, and it’s worse than a ductwork leak (while that’s costly, you could probably live with it for a while). A refrigerant leak causes a decline in cooling output, and you may see water surrounding your air conditioner, ice on the evaporator coil, and you’ll most likely hear the sound of your system short-cycling which is when it turns on and off rapidly. In addition, you may hear a hissing noise which is the refrigerant actually escaping.

It’s important here to note that there is a pretty common misconception about refrigerant—that it’s actually meant to run out and needs to be replaced every maintenance visit. This just isn’t the case. Your system should be supplied with enough refrigerant upon installation to last its entire lifespan, so if you are losing any it definitely means you have a leak.

Contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for your

air conditioning service needs today!

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