It’s Already Time for Heating Maintenance

September 4th, 2023

While autumn activities are barely beginning, and autumn weather hasn’t hit yet, it’s time to get prepared for colder days. This might mean locating the box of sweaters you put away last spring, or swapping a screen door for a storm door.

While you’re getting ready for the weather to change, one thing you absolutely must not forget is heating maintenance. Here’s why.

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Late Summer Problems You May Have With Your AC

August 21st, 2023

It’s been a long, hot summer since your air conditioning in Alpharetta, GA got a break! Even if you got maintenance before the start of the season, there’s been a lot of wear and tear going on for the last few months. There are certain issues your air conditioner is more likely to encounter in late summer. Here’s what to keep an eye out for.

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Why You Might Need a Dehumidifier to Help Your AC

August 7th, 2023

You’ve surely heard people say, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself! And there’s no doubt that air at the same temperature will feel hotter and heavier when it’s humid than when it is dry. Why does humidity make you feel hotter? What can be done about it? With a dehumidifier, you can feel cooler while using your air conditioner less. Here’s why.

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Don’t Forget to Have Your AC Maintained (If You Haven’t Already)

July 24th, 2023

It’s easy for things to get away from us as the seasons rush by. Before you know it, summer is half gone and you haven’t gotten AC maintenance done! Should you put it off until next year? Definitely not! There are many reasons to have maintenance done on your air conditioner every single year, even if you didn’t get it done before summer really started. 

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Debunking Several Air Conditioning Myths

July 10th, 2023

The average homeowner is not an air conditioning expert, and there’s no reason why everyone should have to be. But if the “facts” you believe about air conditioning are things you learned from other homeowners and not from the experts, they may actually just be myths. Here are some things people mistakenly believe about their AC units, and the truths you should know instead.

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What Does a Frozen Evaporator Coil Mean?

June 26th, 2023

Air conditioners are meant to make your home colder. But are they supposed to produce ice? Absolutely not! Ice on your air conditioner is not a good sign. When ice builds up on the evaporator coil of an air conditioner, you have two problems: the issue that caused the ice, and the issues the ice will cause. We’ll explain both, and we’ll tell you exactly what to do about it.

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Should You Go Ductless?

June 12th, 2023

Back in the 1970s, it became common for newly-constructed homes to be built with a system of ductwork. This made it possible for these new houses to use the central air conditioners that were becoming so popular. But this is no longer the only option for cooling homes. Although many homes do still use these traditional central AC units, there have been some major innovations in the HVAC industry in the last half-century. Ductless systems are one of the options for air conditioning now, and for many people, they’re the perfect choice. Are they right for you?

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These AC Noises Mean Trouble

May 15th, 2023

What in the world is that noise? Is that your air conditioner? You know it shouldn’t be making that sound, right? Well, never fear. We’re here to help. Your air conditioner doesn’t have many options for letting you know that something is wrong, but it certainly can make noise. If you’re hearing something funny or unexpected from your AC unit, check this handy list to find out why it might be doing that. 

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3 Ways an Air Purifier Helps Your Home

May 1st, 2023

How’s the air quality inside your home? Are you concerned about how much time you spend indoors, which, for the average American, is estimated by the EPA to be more than 90% of your time? Have you heard the alarming fact that indoor air has much higher concentrations of contaminants than outdoor air? Do you want to know what you can do about it?

There are a few different systems that can dramatically improve indoor air quality. What exactly are the ways that your home will benefit? And what are the different options for getting your indoor air cleaner? Here’s the rundown.

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Why a Refrigerant Leak Means You Need Repairs

April 17th, 2023

While there are many critical components in an air conditioner, it is the refrigerant itself which does the job of absorbing heat from inside your home and carrying it outside to be released. Your AC unit was manufactured with all the refrigerant it should need for its entire lifetime. It doesn’t need to be refilled … unless you have a refrigerant leak. 

How do refrigerant leaks happen? How can you tell if your AC’s refrigerant is leaking? And what needs to be done about it? Here’s all the information you need.

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