Choose a Top-Notch Commercial HVAC Team

September 16th, 2024

Your business or commercial property has so many components, so many moving parts, so much that has to come together in order for things to run smoothly. Some of those things may seem totally disconnected from another and need to be managed by a wide array of different experts. But when it comes to your HVAC system, one expert can cover a lot of ground.

How should you choose your HVAC expert? What qualities will they need to have? What separates a great commercial HVAC contractor from the more-common residential ones? We’ve got some information for you to help answer these questions.

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What Services Do HVAC Contractors Provide?

September 2nd, 2024

Perhaps you’ve had an HVAC installation recently, or you’re expecting to have one soon. Perhaps you’re a new homeowner, accustomed to having a landlord address all the issues that require hiring a contractor. Whatever the situation, it’s always good to know more about your home, the systems in it, and the services those systems require. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll keep your home in better shape.

A piece of that knowledge has to do with the professionals who can provide the services you need. Who should you call when something goes wrong? When it comes to your HVAC system, you should only ever have to call one contractor. Here are the services a reliable HVAC contractor will provide.

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How High Humidity Harms Your Home

August 19th, 2024

Sometimes, during the peak of summer, people will say that it’s not so much the heat that bothers them, it’s the humidity. And they have a point! Humidity can make heat much more uncomfortable. It also has other unpleasant effects and can cause a wide variety of problems. High humidity can harm your health and your home, and a dehumidifier might be just the ticket for avoiding these issues. We’ll explain.

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AC Odors You Shouldn’t Be Smelling

August 5th, 2024

Air conditioners make cold air, and if they’re working properly, they’ll make plenty of it. Air conditioners make some noise, although they shouldn’t make any noises that are loud or unexpected, like rattles or bangs.

But one thing an air conditioner definitely shouldn’t make is a smell. If you’ve got AC odors, you need repair. What’s going on? We’ll explain.

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Why Is My AC Turning On and Off So Often?

July 22nd, 2024

Air conditioners often indicate that they’re struggling by the sounds that they make. During normal operation, an air conditioner’s compressor will kick on with a hum, and the fan will whir. If you’re hearing bangs, clattering, whistling, buzzing, grinding, or other surprising sounds, you’ll know right away that you need AC repair

But there’s something else you should be listening for. It’s not just weird sounds that can mean there’s a problem. It’s when the routine sounds are happening too frequently. If you hear your air conditioner coming on and turning off again every few minutes, something is wrong. Why are these short AC cycles happening? We’ll tell you.

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Strange AC Problems to Watch out For

July 8th, 2024

At Wall Heating & Air, we see AC problems every day all summer long. Some of them are extremely common and come up all the time. These are probably things you’ve heard of or can imagine: the motor that powers the blower fan overheats, or a storm-blown tree limb damages a coil and refrigerant leaks out. 

But some AC problems are more unusual. It might never have occurred to you that these things could happen! Thanks to our long experience and extensive training, though, we’re ready for even the strangest AC problems. Here are some odd ones to be aware of.

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Try This Handy AC Troubleshooting Checklist

June 24th, 2024

Oh, no! Your air conditioner stopped working! You must be in serious need of AC repair. Or are you? Could it be that you’ve got a problem you can resolve yourself, without any training or expertise?

True AC problems must be repaired by someone qualified, for many reasons, including safety and making sure you don’t void your warranty. But sometimes, it only seems like there’s an AC problem. How can you tell the difference? Before you call for air conditioner repair, go through this handy AC troubleshooting checklist. Your problem could be resolved in mere minutes.

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7 Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should NOT Make

June 10th, 2024

We often use sight-related phrases in English. “See you later!” “Watch out!” But not everything is actually visual. If we say, “Here are some air conditioner problems to watch for,” or “Look out for these signs that your AC needs repair,” we wouldn’t be pointing you in the right direction. In fact, the first sign of an air conditioner problem is usually a noise. Here are some sounds you don’t want to hear your AC making.

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Prepare Your Home for Air Conditioning Installation

May 27th, 2024

Having your old air conditioner replaced is quite the process. First, you have to determine that it’s not worth repairing any longer. Then, you have to decide what sort of system to replace it with and select the specific model. Finally, you must make an appointment to have that system professionally installed.

Done all that? Great! But you’re not finished yet.

The appointment itself can be a bit of a mystery to homeowners who haven’t been through it before, or to folks whose last experience with AC installation was twelve or more years ago. What should you expect? How long will it take? And what can you do to prepare your home for your air conditioning installation? We’ll tell you everything.

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Do Your Air Ducts Need Repair?

May 13th, 2024

The system of ductwork in your home is like a silent partner in your HVAC system. You probably don’t notice it, it doesn’t call much attention to itself, but it does a lot of the work that needs to be done. All year round, whether your furnace is making hot air or your air conditioner is making cold air, the ducts handle the distribution.

It’s important to have your furnace and air conditioner professionally maintained every year. But even if you do that, making sure those systems are as efficient and effective as possible, you might be wasting the hot and cold air they provide. Damaged ductwork causes your utility bills to be excessively high, and your furnace and AC to work too hard. How can you tell if you need duct repair?

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