AC Care: Should You Be Concerned about “Dirty Sock Syndrome?”

February 26th, 2018

Girl pinching her nose against a white backgroundTemperatures are still cool enough that you likely haven’t turned on your air conditioner quite yet. But as we’re all very well aware, when spring and summer hit, they hit hard—bringing with them soaring temps and high humidity. As a result, you want a fully effective and efficient whole-home Lawrenceville, GA air conditioning system to keep your household comfortable and healthy.

If you haven’t scheduled air conditioning maintenance yet, that’s okay! Right now is actually the perfect time to do so, before you need to use your cooling system on a daily basis. There’s one issue in particular that we check for during your tune-up and that you should be aware of too, before starting up your AC for the first time. This is water line backups, which can result in mold development and foul smells from your system’s supply vent. This is known as dirty sock syndrome.

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Are You Using Your Heater as Efficiently as Possible?

February 12th, 2018

Young smiling woman sitting on sofa and looking up while drinking hot tea. Young brunette woman thinking at home in a leisure time. Happy girl relaxing at home on a bright winter morning.With plenty of winter weather still ahead of us, we’re still going to be getting plenty of use out of our Lawrenceville, GA heating systems. And understandably, you’d like to do everything in your power to save money on your energy bills, including making sure that you’re using your heater as efficiently as you can.

Even if you had your heater maintained before the winter season began, there are still steps you can take to utilize the system more efficiently, while keeping your home comfortable and lowering your heating bills.

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Is It Worth It to Sign Up for a Maintenance Plan?

January 29th, 2018

woman's hands writing in scheduleThe short answer to this question is “yes.” But, we don’t expect you to take that at face value. To truly understand the benefits of a comprehensive Lawrenceville, GA AC maintenance plan, you need to understand the advantages of maintenance itself, and when maintenance is best performed.

Generally speaking, we recommend scheduling your maintenance sessions before your HVAC systems’ heaviest periods of use. For your air conditioner, this means in the springtime. For your heater, this means in the fall. But more important than when you schedule this service is how often you schedule it.

For most air conditioner and heaters, once a year—for each system—is sufficient. For a year-round heat pump system, though, you’ll want to schedule a tune-up every 6 months.

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Now Is the Time to Schedule Heating Repairs!

January 15th, 2018

man looking cold, standing in front of a thermostatWe would certainly like if we could help you avoid any heating repairs you may need during the lifespan of your heating system, but unfortunately, this is not the case. Routine heating maintenance is the best way to prevent the biggest of heater repairs, but eventually, you are going to encounter problems of some kind with your home heating system.

The best thing you can do to care for this heating system is to learn how to recognize the signs that heater repairs are needed. This way, you can get out ahead of them and schedule them ASAP, before they get any worse.

Our technicians are standing by and ready to help when you do need heating repairs, and we’re even offering a special right now on diagnostics, but keep reading to learn the signs that you even have a problem with your heater.

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Which Heating System Is Best for Your Home?

January 5th, 2018

young woman dressed for cold weather sitting by the window having hot drinkWe are already deep in the heart of winter, so if your heater recently broke down, you’re likely tempted to just go out and buy the first one you can find that fits in your budget. However, rushing like this can be, and most likely will be, a mistake.

You might end up with a heating system that is too small for your home, or too big—both of which create efficiency problems. Or, you may be stuck with a heating system that isn’t the best fit for your home for other reasons, leaving you uncomfortable. But how do you know what heating system is best? We’ve created a brief guide below to help you explore your options.

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Why is my thermostat blank?

January 6th, 2017

Another Friday! Another Frequently Asked Questions Answered Friday! Today’s question is “Why is my thermostat blank?”

Your thermostat could be blank for a couple of reasons.  The easiest would be that the batteries need to be replaced.  And, yes, even if your thermostat is wired into the unit, it still has batteries.  We did a blog with pictures for general battery replacement a few weeks ago.

Otherwise, check your breakers.  One of them might have tripped.

If these don’t bring it back on, then you could have a bad thermostat or the wiring might have issues. If you’ve just read through this blog or tried this and become overwhelmed with the attempt to do this, let us help!

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How To Change Batteries in Thermostat

December 23rd, 2016

Another Friday! Another frequently asked questions answered Friday!
Today, David has pictures of how to change the batteries in your thermostat. This is a general thermostat but gives you the basic ideas on doing it!  Remember, the batteries are a backup power source for your thermostat and even though your thermostat is wired in, it needs the batteries.  If the batteries are bad and your thermostat is blank, your unit won’t work…

If you’ve just read through this blog or tried this and become overwhelmed with the attempt to do this, let us help!


David has how to change your batteries in your thermostat.

David has how to change your batteries in your thermostat. Thank you, David!

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Does Burning Candles Affect My HVAC System?

December 16th, 2016
Here's what a major candle burning house filter can look like!

Here’s what a major candle burning house filter can look like!

Another Friday! Another Frequently Asked Questions Answered Friday! We’re asked about how burning candles can affect your HVAC system. David has a picture of the filter from an HVAC unit where a lot of candles are burned.

Kris says that if you burn candles, change your filter at least every 2 months.  If you burn a lot of candles, change it monthly.  Also, this pertains to fires in the fireplace!  If you have an open face fire or ventless fireplace, the creosote from burning gets through your filter and can clog up your coil, hurting your system.


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Is Filter Air Flow Important?

December 9th, 2016
Air flow importance!

Air flow importance!

img_8076Another Friday!  Another frequently asked question answered!  Is it important to put the filter in correctly?  YES!  The air flow arrow should point toward your furnace/air handler.  If your filter is put in wrong, it can get sucked into the system and cause other issues!


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How to change your HVAC filter continued!

November 25th, 2016

For this weeks frequently answered questions answered, we’re continuing with last weeks on how to change your filter.

Another way of changing your HVAC filter.

Another way of changing your HVAC filter.

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