Here’s what would happen in a perfect world. You’d turn on your furnace, and a few minutes later you’d hear the familiar whirring of the fan within the system. The reason it takes a few minutes is because the heat exchangers actually have to heat up from the burners, and the fan won’t start going until that happens. Once you hear that whirring, though, you’re satisfied knowing that comfortable warmth is about to come flowing into your home through the vents.
Other than this familiar noise, you shouldn’t expect to hear much else from your furnace or heating system. But what if you do? What if you hear strange or very loud noises coming from the system itself, its ductwork, or the vents in your home? Well, then it’s about time to call in our pros for furnace repair in Lawrenceville. In the meantime, we’ve offered some insight below into what may be going on when you hear the particular noises we’re about to name.