How to Choose the Best Contractor for Your AC Installation

June 1st, 2020

Technician-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitWhen you live in a climate as hot and humid as ours, there’s no exception to the fact that you need an efficient and effective air conditioner to stay comfortable and healthy. Also, you need that system to work flawlessly day in and day out, season after season.

Of course, in order to get this kind of reliability, you need to invest in professional AC services, with an HVAC contractor you can trust—especially for installation! This isn’t a partnership any homeowner should just rush into as it could leave you with an air conditioner that’s not correctly sized for your home, or one that’s installed incorrectly so it can’t possibly work as well as it’s meant to.

But, how exactly do you choose the best contractor for your AC installation?

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Can a New Air Conditioner Be Too Big?

May 18th, 2020

top-view-of-outdoor-ac-unitYou likely already understand that there isn’t much point in getting an air conditioner that’s too small,—that is, underpowered—for your home. But did you know that, yes, an air conditioner could actually be too big—or overpowered?

With summer right around the corner, you want to ensure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the heat. For some people, that means scheduling another maintenance appointment for this year. But for other folks, it means investing in a complete air conditioner replacement.

Of course, you may be tempted to buy the biggest, most powerful cooling system you can afford for your needs. But we’re here to tell you that this isn’t necessarily a good idea. When it comes to your air conditioning system, size really does matter, and we’re going to explain why below! Read on to learn more, and when the time comes for you to purchase your new air conditioner, reach out to our team of professionals.

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What to Do When Your AC Won’t Cool

May 4th, 2020

vent-low-on-wallThis is something we’ve talked about before on our blog, but it’s worth bringing up again, since it’s a problem we get called about each year.

When it comes to finding out what’s wrong with your struggling air conditioner, you’ll need the assistance of trained professional. We understand how essential it is that your broken down air conditioner be repaired right away!

Ideally, you’ll have already had your maintenance session done this year, but if you’re reading this blog post, you either skipped this service or didn’t take care of recommended repairs. So, what should you do now? Read on to find out!

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Beware These Sounds from Your AC

April 20th, 2020

woman-covering-her-earsWere you aware that summer is the most likely time for your air conditioner to call it quits, or at least start developing problems? It makes a lot of sense, honestly. The system is getting much heavier use than it would in the spring or fall. And all appliances accumulate wear and tear over the years.

Fortunately, you can usually avoid nasty surprise repair needs or sudden cooling system breakdowns, with routine professional tune-ups. These maintenance sessions give our professionals the chance to discover any signs of malfunction or pending repair needs. It also gives us the opportunity to clean out the system and ensure it is operating as it should.

Even if you are diligent about maintenance, though, it’s always smart to be aware of the sounds you should not hear coming from your air conditioning system. The following sounds each indicate that something is amiss within your cooling system.

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Don’t Let Damaged Ducts Ruin Your Air Quality

April 6th, 2020

technicians-hands-fixing-ductworkDid you know that your indoor air quality can actually be worse than that of outdoors? At least, this is the case if you don’t have the right indoor air quality systems and services in place, and/or if your ductwork is in bad shape!

On that latter point—there are a variety of contaminants and pollutants that can enter your home’s air through breached ductwork. Pollen, dust, cleaning material fumes, pet dander, and even mold spores can get circulated and recirculated back into your home because of holes in the ducts and other ductwork damage. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it! While in severe cases duct repair or even replacement might be necessary, you can usually get by with professional duct sealing.

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For Quality Cooling, Schedule Your Maintenance Appointment Today!

March 23rd, 2020

technician-servicing-outdoor-ac-unitOur warm and balmy summertime temperatures may still be several weeks off, but if you’ve lived in the Alpharetta area for even just a year, then you know when summer does hit you’ll be thankful for a fully effective and efficient air conditioner, right?

One of the best things you can do to ensure that your AC system is in good shape is to schedule preventive maintenance for the system. Routine professional AC maintenance makes sure that your unit is ready for the added strain of summer. Skipping or even delaying maintenance will make it much more likely that you’ll face problems by the end of the cooling season, or even before.

Read on to learn more about how important this service is, and why you should call today!

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The Coronavirus and Our Promise to You

March 19th, 2020

We know that readers usually come to our blog for informative and educational posts about the systems and services that we offer. However, as is the case across the country and the globe right now, there is one topic at the forefront of our minds. That is COVID-19, or the Coronavirus.

We understand that homeowners everywhere are exercising extreme caution when it comes to mitigating the chance of exposure to this virus in their homes. Trust us, we are doing the same in ours. And we promise you that every member of our team will take these same precautions when working in your home and on your property.

If you have an appointment scheduled with Wall Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., rest assured that we’ll continue to provide you with the exceptional service that you deserve in this uncertain and trying time, and that we’ll do so while making your health and safety our top priority.

Our entire staff is well aware that prevention starts at their homes, that it continues in the workplace, and that it extends into the residences of our valued clients. They have the information and supplies that they need to do their jobs while protecting both themselves and the clients that they serve.

If you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming appointment, or if you are thinking about booking an appointment but want to know more about our specific preventative measures, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.

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“Do I Need to Shut Down My Furnace When Temperatures Warm?”

March 9th, 2020

technician-working-on-furnaceOur short answer to this is, “it’s not a bad idea!”

Of course, before you end the use of your furnace for the season, it’s a good idea to take care of any pending needs for furnace repair in Buford, GA. Letting a furnace in disrepair sit in wait can lead to much bigger and costlier problems than you might anticipate.

Assuming you’ve taken care of repair needs, shutting down your furnace once temperatures warm up enough to do so can help cut down on energy costs. Read on to learn more!

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Never Neglect These Signs You Need Furnace Repair

February 24th, 2020

heating-ventImagine it’s the coldest day of winter, and you want into your home after a long day out to discover it’s practically no warmer inside than it was outside. Fortunately, you won’t have to deal with chilly temperatures for very much longer at the time of this blog post. But that certainly doesn’t mean you should neglect any signs you need furnace repair.

Holding off on furnace repairs could mean you find yourself facing a severe problem with the system by the end of winter, potentially even in the form of a premature breakdown. But how can you tell if your furnace needs repair?

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What Does a Dirty Air Filter Do to Your Furnace?

February 10th, 2020

man-holding-air-filterYou may have heard us recommend replacing your HVAC air filter every 1-3 months. This isn’t just something we’re throwing out as a random suggestion—we are offering this advice as a way for you to get the most effective and efficient use out of your heating system as possible. And considering how much we’ve all used our heaters so far this winter, chances are you’d like to avoid problems and spending unnecessary money.

One way to achieve this is by performing that very small maintenance task—changing your air filter when needed. You’d probably be surprised to find out just how important this small HVAC component actually is. It doesn’t just protect indoor air quality—in fact, that’s not its purpose at all. Read on to learn more!

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