Wall Heating and Air is a Best of Gwinnett® Winner!

February 17th, 2021


Wall Heating and Air is a Best of Gwinnett® Winner!

logo-best-of-gwinnett-text-on-blue-circleThe results are in! Wall Heating and Air Conditioning has been announced as a 2020 Best of Gwinnett® winner in Gwinnett Magazine’s annual readers’ poll.

Gwinnett Magazine readers and editors weighed in on “the best of” in hundreds of individual categories throughout Gwinnett, honoring thousands of businesses and organizations in more than 25 board business and community sectors. “It’s everything you love about Gwinnett,” says Publisher David Greer.

Residents are invited to nominate on the Best of Gwinnett website, and voting stays open throughout the year, with tens of thousands of votes coming through. Then each March, the annual Best of Gwinnett issues is published.

Through a combination of readers’ votes and editors’ input, plus vetting through several ranking sites, BBB complaint reports, and voting pattern analysis reports, Best of Gwinnett winners and nominees are chosen.

Gwinnett Magazine recognizes three levels of winners: The Best, Among the Best, and Ones to Watch. Within each category, there are multiple honorees named in each tier, depending on the size of the market sector.

To view the full list of Best of Gwinnett winners, visit BestofGwinnett.com

Wall Heating and Air Conditioning is proud to offer quality HVAC services throughout Lawrenceville, GA and beyond. Contact us today!

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Should You Worry about a Dirty Air Filter in Your Furnace?

February 8th, 2021

man-holding-air-filterThe short answer to this is, “yes.”

No, it’s not going to make your furnace explode or anything, but a dirty air filter will certainly have a negative impact on the furnace’s performance and your overall comfort.

Many homeowners think that a dirty air filter is a problem because of their indoor air quality. This is due to a pretty common misconception—that the furnace air filter is in place to protect the indoor air quality. It’s actual purpose is something completely different.

Sure, your furnace air filter won’t hurt your indoor air quality, but their intended purpose is actually to protect the interior components of your air conditioner and heating system. Read on to learn more, and to learn how a dirty air filter will impact your home and its comfort, including the life of your furnace.

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“Should I Have My Furnace Installed in the Attic?”

January 25th, 2021

ductwork-in-atticWhen it comes to getting an HVAC system installed, it makes sense that you want to save as much space as possible. This is especially true in the case of a furnace, in our climate—where you’re not going to need the system for the majority of the year. For this reason, many homeowners opt to have their furnace installed in their attic, but should they?

Typically, furnace installations occur in basements or garages if a basement is not available. Of course, either way, taking up too much space can be a huge inconvenience. So, attic installations have become more common. Read on as we uncover why, or why not it’s a good idea to have a furnace installed in your attic.

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What Steps Do We Go Through During Heating Maintenance?

January 11th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerHaving your climate control systems routinely maintained is important for efficiency, longevity, and your overall home comfort during the winter. True, we may not have as bone-chillingly cold winters as other areas of the country, but they still pack quite the punch in comparison to our summers. And so, we need high-quality heating systems in place. This is only possible with maintenance.

Before we go any further with this blog post, we really want to stress the importance of professional maintenance. Maintenance tasks aren’t something that any homeowner can do. We have the training and expertise necessary, as well as the proper licensing to get it done. But what actually happens during a routine heating maintenance appointment? Read on to find out!

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Yes, You Should Enroll in a Maintenance Plan—Here’s Why!

December 28th, 2020

checklistIt’s probably safe to say that we tend to put more focus on our air conditioners than our heaters here in the Lawrenceville area. For good reason, too. After all, our summers are hot, sticky, and oppressive. But there is one big thing that your air conditioner and the heater has in common—the need for routine maintenance!

Look, however briefly you feel you actually use your heating system, the fact remains that you do use it, and when you run this HVAC system, you want it to cost as little as possible, right? After all, with all the work your air conditioner goes through you’re already paying enough for energy!

And this is why maintenance is so vital. But how do you remember to keep up with those maintenance appointments? Well, with a maintenance program of course! Read on as we uncover the benefits of enrolling in such a program.

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We Need Your Vote!

December 15th, 2020

banner-for-best-of-gwinnett-contestHello valued customers!

We need your vote!

Wall Heating & Air Conditioning has been nominated for the Best of Gwinnett Awards. Help us win by voting at BestofGwinnett.com. Voting ends December 31st at midnight!

The Best of Gwinnett awards shines the light on hard-working businesses. Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. is here for you when your comfort needs to be just right. Get in touch with our licensed and experienced technicians for all your HVAC needs.

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3 Reasons Not To Wait on Those Heating Repairs

December 14th, 2020

clockIf there’s any year we don’t want to deal with one more thing going wrong, it’s 2020 right? So if your heater is showing signs that it needs to be repaired, it may be really tempting to ignore it. After all, your heater is a sturdy piece of equipment—it will be fine, right?

Well, while a well-maintained heater will certainly give you reliable service, no heater is indestructible. Sooner or later, you’re going to experience an issue or to with your heater, and when this occurs the best thing you can do for that heater is schedule professional repairs ASAP. Yes, dealing with a heater problem can be a hassle, and it’s hardly ever “convenient” for your budget or schedule. But waiting too long can lead to bigger repair needs and more expensive repair costs.

We want you to be as comfortable as possible as we head into winter. True, we may not have the chilly and snowy weather of our neighbors up north, but our winters are nothing to sneeze at. Get your repairs done as soon as you can, for these 3 reasons:

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Tips for Boosting Your Heater Efficiency This Year

November 30th, 2020

woman-huddled-up-looking-coldWe may not be ready to admit it, but wintertime is right around the corner. True, we don’t get the frigid cold temperatures that households in other parts of the country do. But our winters are still chilly by our regards, right? And each of us wants a fully functional, affordable heating system in our homes to get us through.

Your heater might be reliable. It might be effective, but are you using it as efficiently as possible? If not, it’s very likely that you’re paying way more than you should to actually use it. Our heating seasons may seem relatively brief, but that’s even more of a reason not to overpay for wintertime comfort. Read on as we uncover some ways you can boost your heating efficiency this year.

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Don’t Ignore These Furnace Sounds

November 16th, 2020

woman-listening-closely-holding-hand-to-earThere are certain noises that after a while, are fairly easy to “tune-out.” If you live on a busy street, for example, you may get used to the noise of cars whizzing by and the honking of horns. What you should never get used to though, are noises coming from your furnace that you’ve never heard before.

The reason for this is because those noises are a very clear indicator that something is amiss with your furnace, and you need to pay attention. By calling our technicians as soon as you notice something is up, you can help make sure that your furnace operates as it should and is able to provide you with efficient and effective heating throughout the years.

Not only this, but managing furnace problems ASAP protects the safety of your household. This isn’t to say, of course, that furnaces are dangerous by nature. But when you don’t care for yours properly, then it can become dangerous. We’ve uncovered below some of the noises you should always pay attention to when it comes to your furnace.

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Troubleshooting a Failed Furnace

November 2nd, 2020

furnace-with-pipesWhen your gas furnace doesn’t come on during a cold winter day, that’s a problem. It may be a big problem. Or it could be a small oversight. You can depend on our expert technicians for the HVAC service in Lawrenceville, GA to restore your furnace to working condition. But before you call us, there are a few basic troubleshooting steps to go through to make sure you don’t have a minor issue you can correct yourself.

Please note: we’re not advocating for you to attempt a “do-it-yourself” furnace repair! Troubleshooting doesn’t involve getting out the toolkit and opening the furnace panel. Don’t go beyond the simple steps listed below to see what’s wrong with your furnace. You only want experienced pros like us to service a gas-powered heating system. We’re licensed and insured, so you can expect the best and safest repair help from us.

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