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Our Guide to HVAC Energy Efficiency


Americans spend too much on the energy it takes to keep our homes at a comfortable temperature. According to the US Energy Information Administration, more than half of the energy used in American homes is put toward heating and cooling. That’s a huge environmental impact, and a huge amount of money spent every single month.

Are you stressed out from the cost of keeping your home cool enough in the summer and warm enough in the winter? Do you wish there was something you could do to keep those costs down? We’d like to help you with that. Here is our guide to using your HVAC system as efficiently as possible all year round. These tips will lower your utility bills and keep your HVAC system happy.

1: Don’t Ignore Your Ducts

The biggest waste of energy in a home is usually from problems with the ductwork. Most ducts are out of sight and ignored, and it’s easy for them to deteriorate or be damaged without us noticing. It’s estimated that in the average home, there’s so much duct leakage that 30% of heated and cooled air is escaping before it gets to your vents.

Having your ducts inspected could dramatically reduce your energy usage. With some help from an expert in all things HVAC in Monroe, GA you could have a clear understanding of what’s going on with your ducts and how to remedy it. Often, ducts can simply be sealed. Sometimes more significant repair is needed, or a badly damaged section must be replaced. 

2: Maintenance Is Critical

Your air conditioner and heating system need to be serviced every single year. Without maintenance, these systems gradually drop in efficiency by about 5% per year. Just imagine how the energy costs could add up when you fail to have maintenance performed for several years. If you have a heat pump in year-round use, that should have maintenance twice a year, since it’s doing twice the work.

3: Use Your Ceiling Fans

Keeping the heated or cooled air circulating properly makes a huge difference in your comfort. In the summer, a breeze from the fan will make you feel just as cool even when you set your thermostat several degrees higher. In the winter, the fan will stop heat from being trapped up near your ceiling, where it isn’t doing you any good.

In summer, your fan should be rotating counterclockwise. Then, don’t forget to change the direction as the seasons change. In winter, your fan should be rotating clockwise.

4: Consider Zone Control

A zone control system is a series of thermostat-controlled dampers, like doors that can be opened and shut within your ducts. This allows you to keep parts of your home at different temperatures. You won’t have to heat or cool the whole place just to spend all your time in one room! It’s easy to limit energy use by having a zone control system installed.

And it’s not just energy you’ll be saving! By running your heat and AC less, you’ll keep them in better condition, reducing the need for repairs and extending their lifespans. If you have any further questions about HVAC efficiency, we’re always happy to help you get the answers you need.

Reach out to Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. to make an appointment.

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