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Leaky Ducts Affect Your Air Quality!


Gaps, cracks, holes, and tears: ductwork is usually riddled with them. In fact, estimates suggest that in the average American home with a ducted HVAC system, 30% of the air that the homeowners pay to heat or cool is lost through duct leaks. That’s a lot of energy—and money—being wasted! But that’s not the only problem. Your air quality is at stake as well.

Those gaps, cracks, holes, and tears don’t just let your expensive heated and cooled air out. They also let things in! Leaky ducts can allow all sorts of particles to contaminate your air. You deserve better air quality. Here’s what you can do about it.

Under Pressure

Because of the nature of a ducted HVAC system, there is air pressure within those ducts. And as the air moves toward your vents to enter your living space, it pulls the air that’s behind it along. This force acts like suction. If you’ve got leaks in your ducts, that suction can pull air in from outside of the ductwork, and with that air, a lot of extra stuff can come along.

Behind the Walls

What’s going on in the space around the ductwork? Chances are, your ducts run through your walls, above your ceilings, and possibly under your floors. When’s the last time those spaces were cleaned? We can hazard a guess that the answer is never. So what kind of particles are being pulled into your air?

Your walls are still concealing construction debris, like sawdust, in addition to all the other dust that has accumulated over the years. There’s also insulation back there, and those fibers are definitely not good to breathe! According to a study done by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 82% of American homes contain mouse allergens, so there are probably distasteful droppings in your walls as well. 

Duct Tape

These are ducts we’re talking about. Does that mean the solution to these leaks and tears is duct tape? Unfortunately, no. It may seem strange, but ducts are one thing that duct tape isn’t great at fixing. The adhesive on the tape quickly becomes dry and brittle when exposed to all the temperature fluctuations that are constantly happening to your ducts. So as tempting as it may be, don’t DIY your ducts with duct tape.

Professional Duct Sealing

What you need is a type of sealant that stays flexible for a long time and tolerates temperature changes with ease. When you have your ducts professionally sealed, that’s what the technicians will use. Your leaks will be completely closed, keeping your heated and cooled air in and all those contaminants out. Then you can breathe easy and spend less on your utility bills!

For top-notch air duct sealing in Snellville, GA, you can rely on us to do the job right.

Reach out to Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. with any inquiries or to make an appointment.

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