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Don’t Ignore These Furnace Sounds

woman-listening-closely-holding-hand-to-earThere are certain noises that after a while, are fairly easy to “tune-out.” If you live on a busy street, for example, you may get used to the noise of cars whizzing by and the honking of horns. What you should never get used to though, are noises coming from your furnace that you’ve never heard before.

The reason for this is because those noises are a very clear indicator that something is amiss with your furnace, and you need to pay attention. By calling our technicians as soon as you notice something is up, you can help make sure that your furnace operates as it should and is able to provide you with efficient and effective heating throughout the years.

Not only this, but managing furnace problems ASAP protects the safety of your household. This isn’t to say, of course, that furnaces are dangerous by nature. But when you don’t care for yours properly, then it can become dangerous. We’ve uncovered below some of the noises you should always pay attention to when it comes to your furnace.


No, you’re probably not hearing a car coming to a screeching halt outside your home—unless it’s in your front yard. What you could very well be hearing is your furnace, and it might be the sign of a problem with your blower motor.

The good news here is that for our pros, this is a relatively minor fix. But you do want it taken care of right away. This is because a blower motor that isn’t working correctly means that the heat being produced by your furnace is not getting successfully circulated throughout your home. Not only will you not be comfy, but you’ll risk your system completely shutting down due to overheating.

This all likely means that your blower motor needs to be lubricated. There are components called motor bearings that often need to be replaced or lubricated too. But the only way to determine the cause and get it fixed the right way is by calling on the pros.


Did you just hear something like metal scraping metal, or metal bouncing off of metal coming from your furnace? Then, that probably is what you hear, and it’s probably an indication of a serious problem with the system’s blower wheel. If this is, in fact, the case, then you need to turn off your heating system and contact a pro right away to avoid further damage. Allowing further damage to this component damages your wallet, too!


Did you just hear a “BOOM” or a “BANG” when your furnace started up? This is probably due to a dirty burner. Maybe you’re thinking, “well that seems like a pretty minor problem, I’ll get to it eventually.” This is the wrong approach—this can actually indicate a pretty hazardous issue.

The sound you heard is most likely caused by a delay in ignition. What happens when the burners are dirty is that the jets fire, but gas builds up under the dirt and grime settling on your burners, and a small explosion occurs as it breaks through.

This can lead to further problems, like a cracked heat exchanger. This problem is where it gets dangerous. A cracked heat exchanger will allow carbon monoxide to enter your living space. Carbon monoxide can be a fatal gas, and it’s nothing to take lightly.

If you do have a cracked heat exchanger, then you might also hear a hissing and/or rattling sound as your furnace operates. Be sure not to brush off these noises—instead, give us a call!

There are certain noises that after a while, are fairly easy to “tune-out.” If you live on a busy street, for example, you may get used to the noise of cars whizzing by and the honking of horns. What you should never get used to though, are noises coming from your furnace that you’ve never heard before.

The reason for this is because those noises are a very clear indicator that something is amiss with your furnace, and you need to pay attention. By calling our technicians as soon as you notice something is up, you can help make sure that your furnace operates as it should and is able to provide you with efficient and effective heating throughout the years.

Not only this, but managing furnace problems ASAP protects the safety of your household. This isn’t to say, of course, that furnaces are dangerous by nature. But when you don’t care for yours properly, then it can become dangerous. We’ve uncovered below some of the noises you should always pay attention to when it comes to your furnace.


No, you’re probably not hearing a car coming to a screeching halt outside your home—unless it’s in your front yard. What you could very well be hearing is your furnace, and it might be the sign of a problem with your blower motor.

The good news here is that for our pros, this is a relatively minor fix. But you do want it taken care of right away. This is because a blower motor that isn’t working correctly means that the heat being produced by your furnace is not getting successfully circulated throughout your home. Not only will you not be comfy, but you’ll risk your system completely shutting down due to overheating.

This all likely means that your blower motor needs to be lubricated. There are components called motor bearings that often need to be replaced or lubricated too. But the only way to determine the cause and get it fixed the right way is by calling on the pros.


Did you just hear something like metal scraping metal, or metal bouncing off of metal coming from your furnace? Then, that probably is what you hear, and it’s probably an indication of a serious problem with the system’s blower wheel. If this is, in fact, the case, then you need to turn off your heating system and contact a pro right away to avoid further damage. Allowing further damage to this component damages your wallet, too!


Did you just hear a “BOOM” or a “BANG” when your furnace started up? This is probably due to a dirty burner. Maybe you’re thinking, “well that seems like a pretty minor problem, I’ll get to it eventually.” This is the wrong approach—this can actually indicate a pretty hazardous issue.

The sound you heard is most likely caused by a delay in ignition. What happens when the burners are dirty is that the jets fire, but gas builds up under the dirt and grime settling on your burners, and a small explosion occurs as it breaks through.

This can lead to further problems, like a cracked heat exchanger. This problem is where it gets dangerous. A cracked heat exchanger will allow carbon monoxide to enter your living space. Carbon monoxide can be a fatal gas, and it’s nothing to take lightly.

If you do have a cracked heat exchanger, then you might also hear a hissing and/or rattling sound as your furnace operates. Be sure not to brush off these noises—instead, give us a call!

For quality service for your heating in Lawrenceville, GA, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

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