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Do Georgia Heaters Need Maintenance?

georgia-homeWhen you tell people you live in the south, they probably very quickly have an idea of the weather you deal with. Let’s face it, we’re known for our heat and humidity in the summer! And so, you probably don’t give a whole lot of consideration to your heating system.

However, while you might not think this is the case, if you have lived here for even just a year then you know our winters can get pretty darn chilly. When they do, you’ll be grateful for a fully functional and efficiently operating heater! So, yes, that heater needs maintenance, every year! Read on to learn more.

Why You Need Annual Heating System Maintenance

The steps taken during maintenance–our techs fully clean, inspect, and adjust the components of your heating system–ensure that the system works as efficiently, effectively, and safely as possible for the years to come. Read on as we uncover several important reasons to get annual heating system maintenance done.

Ensure Good Airflow

During your furnace or heater tune-up, our technicians will do a thorough inspection, which includes checking your air filter and your ductwork. Both of these HVAC components can get clogged up with dirt and other debris, restricting airflow–which makes your air conditioner work inefficiently.

Your air filter should be changed or cleaned every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter and the level of contaminants in your home. This is one small maintenance task you can actually do on your own.

Your ductwork doesn’t need to be cleaned as often–in fact, we recommend this service every 2-3 years or so. But we do recommend that you invest in this service. Airflow is also impacted by damaged ductwork. Your air ducts can suffer from pinhole leaks and small tears over the years. If you suspect this may be a problem for your HVAC system, then it’s time to give us a call.

Help Avoid Emergency Repairs

You might not have known this, but you can actually avoid up to 85% of repair needs by investing in routine annual maintenance. This is because one of the biggest parts of maintenance is the inspection phase. We look for any signs of wear and tear in your furnace or heating system. This can include things like worn motor bearings or a loose fan. From here, we alert you to the need for small repairs, and they never have the chance to turn into much bigger, and more expensive repairs.

Keep Your Home Safe

Your furnace or heating system is not inherently dangerous. However, if you’re using a gas-powered system, it does come with some risks. After all, a gas leak can be harmful for many reasons. But when you keep up on your heating maintenance sessions, you ensure your heater is kept safe, and therefore your family will be kept safe. We will check things like the gas line and the heat exchanger to make sure there is no risk.

For professional Suwanee, GA HVAC services, contact Wall Heating & Air Conditioning!

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