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5 Tips for Prolonging the Life of Your HVAC System

We thought this week we would discuss how to prolong the life of your HVAC unit. It’s a major household expense and everybody likes to get their money’s worth!
1. Regular Maintenance. Obviously, you have regular maintenance done on your vehicle even when it is new. It’s the same for your HVAC unit. This enables you to keep within your warranty plus heads off any problems with older units! If you want more information, we recommend you check out this website:
2. Changing your filter! A clogged filter can obstruct the air flow for your unit in both the air conditioning and heating modes. If you have animals, it’s even faster to become clogged!
3. Keeping debris and shrubs away from you unit. A clean unit is able to operate at the best ability it can. When it has shrubs and debris (like lawn clippings, leaves and trash blown there behind the unit), it can obstruct air flow thru the outside unit and get into the mechanical workings of your unit.
4. Avoid unnecessary starts and stops: Instead of shutting your unit off when you are not there (during the working day or vacations), change your thermostat settings. In the summer raise the thermostat setting to 76-80. If you shut it off and your house reaches 85-90 degrees inside, your system is going to go thru unnecessary strain to get down to the temperature that you are seeking.
5. If you are having issues, don’t keep lowering the temperature on your thermostat, call us instead and SHUT YOUR UNIT OFF!

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