Your HVAC system has likely been working hard throughout the winter to keep your home warm. As the seasons change, your air conditioner needs proper care to function efficiently when you need it most. Spring is the perfect time to schedule professional AC maintenance because it allows HVAC technicians to inspect, clean, and optimize your system before the peak summer heat arrives.
The Most Important HVAC Service Is…
March 17th, 2025How Often Do Air Conditioners Require Repair?
March 3rd, 2025It might not seem like it yet, but summer is on its way. Are you ready for it? How’s your air conditioner doing? A lot of people wonder about air conditioner repair. Does my AC unit need to be fixed? How often should an air conditioner need repairs? Is it time to think about replacement instead? We’ve got the answers!
Leaky Ducts Affect Your Air Quality!
February 17th, 2025Gaps, cracks, holes, and tears: ductwork is usually riddled with them. In fact, estimates suggest that in the average American home with a ducted HVAC system, 30% of the air that the homeowners pay to heat or cool is lost through duct leaks. That’s a lot of energy—and money—being wasted! But that’s not the only problem. Your air quality is at stake as well.
Those gaps, cracks, holes, and tears don’t just let your expensive heated and cooled air out. They also let things in! Leaky ducts can allow all sorts of particles to contaminate your air. You deserve better air quality. Here’s what you can do about it.
Do All HVAC Systems Need Maintenance?
February 3rd, 2025There are many ways to control the temperature and air quality in a home. A homeowner might have any combination of a furnace, heat pump, air conditioner, ducted or ductless systems, humidifier, dehumidifier, air purifier, and more. It’s good that there are so many options, because different comfort solutions will work better for different home layouts and different household needs.
However, all these different systems can be a little bit confusing. They have different components. They’re used in different ways. What needs do they have? Do all HVAC systems need maintenance? What type of maintenance, and when? Who should be doing the maintenance? Let’s take a closer look.
How to Avoid Heating Breakdowns
January 20th, 2025Our team at Wall Heating & Air is happy to help whenever you do need heating system repair. But we also know that you would rather not need us urgently on a cold winter day! Good news: we can help you make sure you won’t end up with no heat, wearing every sweater you own while you wait for repairs.
Here are our top tips on how to avoid heating system breakdowns and keep toasty-warm all winter long.
Short Cycling: Does Your Heating System Need Repair?
January 6th, 2025No matter how cold it gets, your heater will not run continuously. Instead, it operates in cycles, turning on for a stretch of time until your home is warm, and then shutting off to rest while the temperature coasts slowly downward, until it gets cool enough for the heat to come on again. These cycles should last somewhere between ten and twenty minutes.
What if your heating system is cycling on and off very quickly? When your heat comes on, shuts off in a minute or two, and tries to come on again moments later, that’s called short cycling. Don’t let it continue! Here’s why.
All About Your Furnace’s Heat Exchanger
December 23rd, 2024It’s possible to have a gas furnace for most or all of your life without thinking too much about how it works. The gas is burned, right? And of course that makes heat. Simple. But there’s actually more to it than that, especially when it comes to the safety mechanisms. You can’t simply breathe the exhaust fumes from combusted gas!
Some components of your furnace make the heating possible, like the gas valve and the pilot light or electronic ignition system. Some components are only there for safety reasons, like the limit switch. Your furnace’s heat exchanger is critical for both providing heat and keeping you safe. Take good care of it, and it will take good care of you! Here’s how.
How to Choose an Excellent HVAC Contractor
December 9th, 2024When you own a home, there are so many things to keep track of! Many systems need to be working together smoothly to keep your home running. And it may seem like there’s always something unexpected going wrong. That’s why it’s so helpful to plan ahead for the care of your home and the systems within it.
Your HVAC system is like the heart and lungs of your home. It’s absolutely critical to have it working properly! Instead of waiting until there’s an emergency, you should choose an HVAC contractor and make a routine maintenance appointment. How can you tell which HVAC contractor you should choose? Here are some signs to look for, so you can find a contractor with all the right qualities.
Is That Smell Coming from Your Furnace?
November 25th, 2024There are many ways that you might notice a problem with your heating system. One of the most common is noises: clonking or clattering, buzzing or clicking, grinding or groaning. Other possibilities include poor heat circulation, rising utility bills, or short and rapid heating cycles.
Another thing that can tip you off to a furnace issue is odor. Your heating system should not smell like anything most of the time. If you do notice a smell coming from your furnace, are repairs required? Not necessarily, but some odors indicate serious problems or emergencies.
Fall Prep Checklist for Your HVAC System
November 11th, 2024Autumn in Georgia—how absolutely gorgeous. But don’t get so busy enjoying the fall weather that you forget to take care of business that needs to be done before winter. We’ll help you.
Here’s a fall prep checklist, so you can get your HVAC system switched over for the season: your AC shut down properly and heat ready to go. Let’s get to it!